
Employers FAQs makes it simple to search and apply for jobs. We are a medium that permits a talent and an employer to associate with each other directly and demonstrate what makes them special. This assists in exchange of appropriate information amongst the interested individuals. This way we are changing the hiring system so that more individuals can do what they cherish. More viable organizations, the more satisfying methods of reaching out to them via! is not any type of social network. We are providing a precise hiring platform, different from the traditional ones prevalent in the market that discovers talents and job opportunities from the market.

We have different subscription packages that you can choose based on your hiring needs. If you need a free service, you can choose our silver package or choose a higher package with more attractive hiring features for you.

You can effortlessly source the right talent from the website if you specify the following needs when you submit your job details:

  1. Job Category
  2. Country and area of the job
  3. Work experience and responsibilities needed
  4. Job description and key skills
  5. Salary
JobCluster showcases the efforts behind the job campaigns making sure that jobs are presented to appropriate candidates in their region.

To upload your company’s logo in the website, please follow the steps below:

  1. Login to your profile to your dashboard page
  2. Click on ‘Choose Image’ on the left side of the page. 
  3. Choose your company’s logo from your computer. It is now uploaded.

A business entity is known by its name and the business logo. The business logo helps to promote the business in the market. In the website, your logo can assist the jobseekers and the interested ones to relate easily to your company.

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